
Every event has its issues! In fact, if you think your event is going swimmingly and that no mistakes have been made, just wait until the day! Something always goes wrong. That said, if you do enough preparation in the beginning, you shouldn’t have much trouble overcoming any hurdles that might present themselves. In any case, if you’re in the planning process and you’re looking for some pointers, have a read of this article before going any further. This is all you need to know before planning an event:

1 – Sort the big stuff first

There are a million and one things to arrange when it comes to event management, so it’s best to get the bulky stuff out of the way. Things like venue, entertainment and catering for example, are very important. Once you have the main “budget” areas ticked off, you can then start focusing on the smaller details as you come closer to the date of the actual event.

2 – Be realistic with your budget

You shouldn’t try to wing an event without budgeting first, not unless money is no object to you (in which case, lend us a couple hundred, would ya?)  But, by budgeting properly, you’ll be able to get a clear idea as to how realistic certain ideas are, and how much you’re going to be able to get away with. Always be prepared to make sacrifices!

3 – Be mindful of location

There’s so much more to the location than selecting an affordable and suitable venue. You must consider accessibility, local amenities and whether or not the location is desirable for all of your guests. Don’t just rush in to the first venue that you find; look at the surrounding area and decide on just how practical it is beforehand.

4 – Entertainment is essential

The type of entertainment that you book will largely depend on the type of event that you’re hosting, and the audience who will be attending. In any case, entertainment is one of the most important aspects of an event. You can’t expect hundreds of guests to attend an event, only to sit in silence and listen to you babble on.

5 – Wi-Fi is essential

That’s not to suggest that your guests are going to get bored, however it’s always important to ensure that Wi-Fi is available to all guests (you can take that up with the hosting venue). The main benefit of this for you, is having people tag themselves on social media at the event, and hopefully spread some hype about how much of a good time they’re having! Make sure it’s instaworthy!

6 – Take your time

You should always endeavour to allow as much time as possible! Don’t start planning an event a week before it’s supposed to happen as you’ll have an absolute nightmare of a time. Instead, allow plenty of time, and take it! The longer you put into planning an event, the greater a success it will be. And of course, don’t forget to hire a reputable company like Funktionality to assist you with the details! If you’re inexperienced and you want it to go off without a hitch, the professionals will be able to help!